How Do You Make a Cannabis Cigar?

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Cannabis cigars have become an increasingly popular way to consume cannabis. Just like regular cigars, cannabis cigars (also known as cannagars) come in all shapes and sizes. However, the size you pick determines the experience. A larger one will last for hours, while smaller ones inevitably burn out faster. So, how do you make a cannabis cigar?

Cannagars may seem like a challenge to roll, but with the suitable materials and instructions, you can have a superb-looking cannagar rolled up in no time.


How To Roll a Cannabis Cigar

How To Roll a Cannabis Cigar
How To Roll a Cannabis Cigar

To roll a cannabis cigar, you need the following:

  • Leaves
  • Cannabis flower
  • Cannabis oil


Holding them together might be a bit tricky at first, but keep at it, and you’ll soon be rolling a perfect cannagar.

Once you get all the necessary items, you need to make your cannabis cigar core next. You should have your selected exotic flower and a cannagar mold you make your pores with. Latch the mold together so it remains closed, then insert the skewer from the bottom hole of the mold. Finish by giving your flower a rough grind and placing it down in your mod shaft. Make use of your packing tool to ensure the flower is sitting tightly in the mold. The longer it is packed, the tighter it will burn.


Steps To Follow When Rolling a Cannabis Cigar

Steps To Follow When Rolling a Cannabis Cigar


Here are the steps to follow when rolling a cannabis cigar:

  1. Take out the cannagar’s core from its mold and make sure you have a handful of cannabis fan leaves to work with. Depending on your preference, you can use fresh or slightly cured leaves. Be careful not to use very dry leaves as they can crack.
  2. Using concentrates of your choice, coat your cannabis cigar. You can make use of oil or rosin. Make sure whatever oil you use is soft and sticky enough to put around the core of your cannagar.
  3. Gather your destemmed leaf halves and begin wrapping them around the coated cannagar core in a spiral pattern. If you use all-natural hemp papers, roll just the way you would roll a blunt.
  4. After applying the first layer, you can go ahead and apply a second layer of concentrates and an extra layer of leaves to ensure everything is coated evenly.
  5. Store the finished product in a cool, dry place for a week. Curing your cannagar for an extra week will help remove the extra chlorophyll from the leaves, making your smoke smoother and better.


For your best cannagars in Washington, D.C, contact MaryJays Exotic 420 Cannabis Cigars. We offer cannabis delivery D.C, 420 delivery service, and even curbside pickup cannabis in Washington D.C. Our D.C dispensary is stocked with a wide variety of exotic cannabis, exotic cigars, premium cannabis, CBD oils, and so much more. Visit us today.