Can Truck drivers use CBD oil?

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If you’re thinking about trying CBD, it’s important to understand what CBD is and what it isn’t. CBD is an extract from cannabis. It isn’t marijuana, although it’s often confused with it. And it has been touted as a treatment for all sorts of things, including cancer and epilepsy, but there’s not much evidence that it helps with most of them.

How does CBD work? If we understood that, we’d probably know how to use it to cure cancer or epilepsy; but we don’t know. The evidence that is used to support claims that it works comes from animal and test tube experiments, where scientists try to infer what happens in the body by using high doses in vitro. These studies can tell us how CBD might work if we were exposed to huge doses in some other way (for example by smoking a lot of marijuana), but they don’t tell us much about its effects at the lower doses used by people. And even at those low doses, the effects seem to vary a lot from person to person.

And again, we have very little idea why these effects occur. The main effect of cannabis is that people feel stoned and relaxed. And different strains make different people feel different things: sometimes happy, sometimes sad; sometimes energetic,

No one is born knowing what CBD oil is. It took a fair amount of research to figure it out. But once you know, you’re unlikely to forget.

If you live in a state where marijuana is legal, you can go online and find hundreds of brands of CBD oil for sale. If not, your choices are more limited. In any case, it’s unlikely that any given brand will have been screened for purity, safety, or efficacy.